Counting Sheep in the Metaverse

Metaverse development is in!  How in?  Say to the tune of $7m.  Electric Sheep, the preeminent metaverse developer (they are the software behind Second Life and There) have received $7m in additional funding from CBS (weren’t they the company everyone said was too old school for growth?)

What is a metaverse developer?  They develop in 3D…you know virtual worlds. 

Whats the big hook?  Visitors stay longer.  According to the Electric Sheep Blog the average time per visit to The L Word in Second Life (one of ES projects) is 21% longer than YouTubes 15.31 minutes.

Whats the point?  Every product has it niche.  Role playing games, for example, generate enormous engagement by participants.  There is no question that the more interactive you make an engagement the more time someone will spend there.   But it will be less and less people spending more and more time.  I think the 3D environments will blast off when they make them very simple, easily intuitive and creates immediate interaction without much learning required.

Here’s a blast from the past and one of my favorites…probably the first interactive program written ever.  Its not 3d but it is funny.  Try it out-its called Eliza